Md. Hadiuzzaman received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Civil and Transportation Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2005 and 2008, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in Transportation Engineering from the University of Alberta (UofA), Canada in 2014. Currently, he is working as a Professor of Civil Engineering Department at BUET and was a visiting professor at UofA. His research effort mainly focuses on: (a) developing analytical models including control variables to represent the macroscopic dynamics with a control strategy that may lead to more sensible traffic operations; (b) detecting and tracking vehicles from video images during free-flow and congestion taking into account environmental challenges to obtain accurate traffic state estimation; and (c) modeling user preferences of public transportation modes based on observed and latent aspects to improve its service quality. He has published more than a hundred research papers in esteemed peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Hadiuzzaman has authored a chapter in a book titled “Data Analytics: Paving the Way to Sustainable Urban Mobility” (Springer, 2019) – which aims at showing how big data sources and data analytics can play an important role in sustainable mobility. In addition to these research activities, he is actively involved in a number of consultancy projects including feasibility study of mega projects initiated by the government of Bangladesh, planning and designing of sea ports and investigating its impacts on roadway traffic and environment, road infrastructure requirements for reducing traffic congestion generated from seaports and commercial high-rise buildings, designing road geometry and structural standards of low volume roads, developing computer tools for planning and prioritization of rural roads, planning and designing
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